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Our Chiron clutches
This policy describes the procedures for replacing or adding a vehicle or license plate within an existing Chiron connection, subject to laws, regulations and licensing requirements.
1. General Terms and Conditions
1.1. Elke Chiron-aansluiting is gekoppeld aan een specifiek bedrijf, voertuig (kenteken), en chauffeur.
1.2. Het naleven van de Chiron-wetgeving en het gebruik van onze Pitane Driver-applicatie is verplicht tijdens alle diensten.
2. Compact and Compact Plus licenses.
2.1. Compact License
- A Compact license can be used for one vehicle of a company.
2.2. Compact Plus license
- A Compact Plus license can be used to centrally manage one or more cars from the same company.
- The number of cars that can be connected depends on the number of Compact Plus licenses purchased, which can log into the system simultaneously via the app.
- Each registered car must have its own valid license and/or registration when pairing with Chiron is required.
- Self-Management in Compact Plus:
- The customer can independently add license plates and drivers through the Compact Plus portal.
- There is no new connection, and the new car is automatically added to the existing contract when no Chiron coupling is required.
- Compact Plus login details:
- The owner of the contract can log in with the data provided at the time of delivery.
3. Procedure for new connections (outside Compact Plus).
3.1. Convert New Vehicles and License Plates
If a new vehicle requires a separate connection (with documents for the municipality, such as proof of activation), the customer submits an application via our website:
3.2. Handling the existing connection
- If an existing connection is replaced, the current contract may be canceled and the link to Chiron disconnected.
- The new vehicle and license plate become part of a new contract (see 3.1) and replace the previous contract.
4. Mandatory use of the Pitane Driver application.
4.1. Het gebruik van de Pitane Driver-app is verplicht tijdens alle diensten. Deze software is gratis te downloden in de Google Playstore of iOS AppStore.
4.2. Required actions in the app:
- Start service
- Starting and stopping ride assignment
- Stop service after expiration
4.3. Failure to comply with these obligations may result in violations of Chiron law.
5. Communication and support
5.1. Voor vragen over Compact of Compact Plus licenties, of het vervangen/toevoegen van voertuigen en kentekens, kan contact worden opgenomen met de helpdesk via e-mail op
5.2. Specifieke begeleiding of ondersteuning wordt aangeboden via de servicedesk (zie servicedeskvoorwaarden).
6. Other conditions
6.1. Dit beleid is van toepassing op alle klanten met een Compact- of Compact Plus-licentie.
6.2. Wijzigingen in dit beleid worden tijdig gecommuniceerd via onze website en overige kanalen.
6.3. Algemene verkoopsvoorwaarden van toepassing.
Summary of License Terms:
- Compact License: for one vehicle of an enterprise.
- Compact Plus License: for one or more cars from the same company, depending on the number of licenses purchased that can work simultaneously with our software.
This policy provides a clear structure for managing Chiron connections, with specific attention to Compact Plus licensing opportunities and compliance with obligations under Chiron legislation.